Update From Your Favourite Pin-Up
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Some of you may already know (my member site subscribers) that I was diagnosed with a brain tumour earlier this and have recently had surgery. I've been quite unwell for a couple of years now and it's only recently that I've finally managed to get diagnosed.
This is the main reason I've not been doing any new shoots, posting to social media, and why I've been quiet on my members site.
I've also had my driving license suspended (for medical reasons), so now I am unable to go to work. It's such a difficult time mentally and physically as you can imagine. I'm a free-lance photographer and I also own a retro swimwear brand, For Luna, as most of you know, and my businesses have already been tested over the last two years of restrictions.
A lot of my fans have been offering to support me and have asked how. Firstly, being a long-time fan is more than enough - I really do appreciate everyone of you!! Secondly, I've included a few ways you can support me further, but only if you can.
Thanks again for being super duper amazing!! Lot of love, Heather xoxox
1) Support Me On Social Media
If you have the time, please help support me on social media. Instagram and Facebook algorithms are forever against content creators and business owners, so we rely on the interaction of our followers to boost our reach to new fans and customers.
You can help me by liking, commenting, and sharing posts on the following accounts:
2) Order from my store
My online store has been closed for over a year as I've struggled to even keep up with my day job, but now I am unable to work I will be re-launching my online store with some a few prints very soon.
3) Donate
So many of you have already showed your support by making generous tips via my members only site. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to all of you for your continued love and support through such a difficult time. If you would like to make a donation you can do it via one of the following ways:
PayPal/Card Payments via the 'Support Heather' box below.